Day 150 - A Year to Clear - Pet Peeve

Photo by Khara Woods on Unsplash

Photo by Khara Woods on Unsplash

Lesson 150: Pet Peeve

We all have pet peeves. Mine are usually in relation to people but today’s lesson is focused on ourselves and our space. What is in your house that is a bit of a pet peeve. Maybe it’s dishes piling up and no one does them. Maybe you have such a big mess of clothes piled on the floor that you don’t know what’s clean anymore so you’re always washing clean clothes. Maybe items are thrown all of over the place, that you just never attend to it.

If we all took a minute to attend to these items and brought awareness as a planet, what would that feeling be like?

When I’m reading this lesson, one of my first thoughts was – I don’t think everyone would stop to think about the pet peeve areas of their house and how they can apply clearing. My thoughts were mainly surrounded by the fact that some people have bigger issues than clearing. LOL. Anyway, I imagine if that we were a collective and consciously cleared items together, there would be an energy shift. What this course has taught me that we are moving about stuck energy, so if we all moved stuck energy, it would make way for more positive things to occur.

What are you thoughts on it?

Day 149 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Body is a Container

Photo by Dmitry Zelinskiy on Unsplash

Lesson 149: The Body is a Container...

The body is a container for the soul; yet it also is an energetic Universe. Without support: nutrition, exercise, sleep, touch, love, the body cannot thrive as its own Universe.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to note how we treat our bodies. Do you take care of your body and do you notice if it is telling you to do something in particular today? Are there times when you obsess about your body and maybe mistreat it? Ask yourself if this is required?

I probably need some work on my body in terms of keeping it fit and healthy. I admit I struggling committing to an exercise regime and good eating plans. I don’t obsess about my body like I used to. I think I’m the largest I have ever been, and yet, I accept my body more now than I ever have. Sure, I have extra weight and curves where I don’t really want them, but I know if I want to change it, I should do regular exercise and eat better to get rid of it. I mean, I have body confidence issues from a young age, though I feel I can look in the mirror and be okay with myself now. Wouldn’t have been able to do that at a young age.

I try and be good in recognising any aches and pains and following that up. I have a back issue, shoulder issue and vertigo which I am currently trying to address with an osteopath. I have mild IBS which I have had diagnosed and know the treatment, though I love food too much to try and follow a strict diet. I think all those times I ignored the pain in my body, has escalated into issues now which include polyp growths in my bowels and gall bladder. This is why I don’t neglect myself now. Even regularly going to the dentist and flossing my teeth was hard to establish, but after a root canal that led to me having to lose a tooth, it was a wakeup call to look after myself better.

I am aware of what I need to do but I sometimes fail. What do you recognise that you do to your body?

Day 149 - A Year to Clear - Put Away

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Lesson 149: Put Away

Today is about moving stuck energy. Everything has a place right? What are some things you can put away today? These can be simple items such as moving your folded laundry to your closet, putting the car keys away, moving a book to the shelf, making your bed, making sure the toothpaste cap is on… whatever the items, try this exercise for a minute with awareness. Notice the feelings you get and try to do this exercise for a week. Focus on those things that are currently out of place.

I decided to moved some folded laundry on a table in which I will move to my storage room that I use as my closet. I moved some shopping into the kitchen which I had lying in my living room, folded some clothes that were just thrown on my couch and placed a book on the book shelf. They are such simple tasks but I felt good about them being placed where they needed to be. I think this is a good task to repeat for the week. I think if I can continue this feeling, then the stuck energy won’t be there anymore.

What do you think?

Day 148 - A Year to Clear - Simplify, Simplify

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Lesson 148: Simplify, Simplify

How we hold the simplest of our tasks speaks loudly about how we hold life itself.
— Gunilla Norris, Being Home

The new theme this week is “Putting Away Every Day”. I believe this is putting away to make your surroundings more minimalist. But then again it can be about simplifying thoughts also and not drawing in too much that causes overwhelm.

When I was reading the quote, it seemed to take me forever to really understand it. If we take a simple task and make them hard, then subsequently we tend to think life is hard. That’s how I related to it. I mean if we say “that’s too hard”, is it more than likely you utter “life is too hard” our of your mouth too?

Something to think about.

Day 148 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Clearing or Cleaning May Be...

Photo by Animesh Basnet on Unsplash

Lesson 148: Clearing or Cleaning May Be...

Our clearing practises can occur in both the home or work. It also can be something you need to release from your mind, body and soul. Today we are to think about what we still may need to release and if you have resistance in letting that item or thought go. Ask why this is.

When I think of resistance in release, I think of my own memories attached to an item. Sometimes it’s the only piece of information I have in relation to a memory. I think to myself, is this a memory I want to let go of? I think the clutter gets to me but at the same time, I find it hard to let go of attached memories. I haven’t documented my life, so I think an item that holds a memory should be kept. The only problem is then I start collecting clutter that I don’t need. I mean, I want to be minimalist and this is my greatest challenge.

In term of my thoughts, I think I have released a lot of pain that caused some darkness in my mind. I think I have more clarity and wisdom now than I ever did before. I know I have the strength and power to overcome a lot. I guess like anyone else, those negative thoughts slip in and out on occasion – for I am human and that’s okay. I guess the difference with myself now, is that I don’t wallow in anything like I used to. I just keep moving forward and I know I’ll be okay.

What’s something you resist when trying to let go? Why do you think it holds you back?