Day 310 - A Year to Clear - Advanced Level Work

Lesson 310: Advanced Level Work

Bad things happen in our lives all the time – we lose a loved one, we see children starving in under developed countries, we are treated unkindly by others, we witness natural disasters… the list goes on. We can lay blame on another person, we blame the universe or God if you believe in that, so how does one go about forgiving? Some instances are easier than others. Sometimes it takes years to work through your own emotions and thoughts towards the situation.  The lesson by Stephanie Bennett Vogt is teaching us today that we need “To have a heart so big that it can hold this much unbearable pain is advanced-level work."

I think that this is what I’ve been working on all year. Having a bigger heart. This lesson isn’t about just flicking a switch and yes, you’ll have a bigger heart, it’s more about being aware to the idea of having a larger heart.

We all experience pain. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t. Do we generally blame someone else for our challenges? I think yes. I definitely don’t look to myself as being the person to blame in a heated or upsetting situation. I am quick to blame the other. What I have learned this year is to reflect. I reflect on situations and my part in it. Is there something I can do to change the situation? In more times than not, you definitely cannot change the past. What I try to do instead is to look at how I can move forward. What do I need to let go? How can I change my attitude towards the situation? And, can apply compassion for the other party in this situation? One other thing I do is to think about if the other party or the situation actually impacts you anymore? Does it actually have a hold on you? And if so, how do you break that cycle?

The biggest hold back in my life was always my relationship with my father. He mentally and emotionally abused me. This was from a young age and I’m in my 30s now. By really understanding myself this whole year through my spirituality, I’ve faced a lot of uncomfortable truths and really broken down those situations. I have built my self-awareness. I am building my heart to shine more light. All these steps are building me to be my best self. I mean, I’ve summed it up quite quickly but I’ve worked hard towards being better in my life. One of the things I’ve realised that my father does not have a hold on me anymore. I am stronger because of the person I’ve become. I can forgive that situation because it doesn’t impact my mind or heart. I held it in my heart for so long that it was always there with everything else. So, going back to this lesson – I think it’s about how you can hold your pain but also be okay with it, being able to process it, adding light to it and then letting it go.

Day 309 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Other Entities...

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

Lesson 309: The Other Entities...

The other entities that cross our path in our layers and levels of consciousness don’t have the human experience. They see all past, all future, all as energetic. They see contraction and expansion of energy, beyond particular experience.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about if we were an entity and from that perspective, think about how we would view the human experience. Whether you take on the perspective of an angel, a guide, an animal guide, a spirit… whatever form of energy you take, how would you imagine the human experience.

I think that entities are lucky in a way. They don’t experience the emotional rollercoasters like humans do. I think if I was someone’s guide without having the human experience, I’d be repeatedly be telling my human that “everything works out”. I mean, I get told that now by my own guides – some who were previously human and some that have never experienced it.

But then I think we are very lucky. We get to make our lives how we want it. Now, I understand that not everyone gets the same privilege and we all face challenges, some that are comprehendible and some that aren’t. I feel lucky in how I live, but I know, someone in say a country where women don’t have equal rights are faced with harder challenges. I think it’s through our own circumstance in how we build our own character, how we continually to prove to ourselves how strong and resilient we can be, the times we can show kindness and compassion, and then how we know our place in the world and the love we can spread.

I think if I was an entity, I would fully observe and learn myself. I would try to understand the challenges human face and want to think practically in how that human would overcome their circumstances. I would want to be relate to them. Not everything is sunshine and lollipops. I want to know that the advice I give is someone suited to my human. I can’t just say things will work out and leave them with some cryptic clues. I would definitely challenge my human’s thinking. I would definitely lead them on the right direction without giving them the answers. I think the human experience is one that needs to be lived with our own decision making.

How would you view human experience?

Day 309 - A Year to Clear - Forgiveness

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

Lesson 309: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
— Mark Twain

New week equals a new theme of “forgiving”. I personally think it might be centred around the forgiveness of self and not being too hard on one’s self. I think it’s to good to always be open to new ways of forgiveness. I think forgiveness is a massive part of clearing. If you hold onto those situations that fuel anger or sadness, rather than letting go with forgiveness, you’re only holding yourself back to the possibilities. Will see what the days ahead bring.

Day 308 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 44 - Marking Progress

Lesson 308: Check In WEEK 44 - Marking Progress

The week was to bring about the 4 levels of awareness. It is mentioned that most people reside in 2 or 3 as it depends on how they are feeling on that particular day. What I learned is that this course has opened my awareness. Although I don’t have detachment down pat, it’s something I am aware of that I need to improve on. I think recognising all the uncomfortable feelings is a good thing and I ride the wave of that. I allow the emotions and feelings to wash over me and then I can let go from there. Sometimes some things are not easy to let go of where as some instance they are. I think I’ve got a lot to learn and this course has always mentioned that it is not a race. I feel that I’ve grown so much in this course. It has opened my mind to being aware of how I can react to things and being mindful to choose a different method. I have so much learning to go in fully letting go. I think having a pure loving heart, which was always my intention when starting on this spiritual journey, is something we can have in order to be filled with light and spread that light. I’m working on it. Go some time to go, I think.

Day 308 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Can Manifest a Mansion...

Lesson 308: You Can Manifest a Mansion...

You can manifest a mansion with your intention; you can manifest financial ruin. Again, what you manifest is not as important as why. The Universe always chooses your highest possibility: in other words, you get what you need, for soul growth.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to look at what we want and to make a list. From there, look at it with the perspective of soul growth and see if your list changes because of it.

I’m not really convinced you can manifest a mansion with intention – from the example above. I am not sure it’s that simple, even if you had the intention of just wanting a good roof over your head for yourself and your family. I understand having a good reason why, would allow the intent to follow through, but I just don’t see how every thing you want with good intention comes to fruition. Is it time that allows these things to manifest? I don’t know. Like right now for example, I want to manifest a brighter apartment with a balcony. It’s so clear in my mind of what I want. The reason I want it is so that I can more sunlight for myself and my cats. I feel like it would be more positive with all the sun shining through and I also don’t want to live in the current apartment I am in because of all the sounds I can hear through the walls. I think my cats would be less depressed if they have sun and a balcony to hang out on. Current set back is that I was made redundant so if I don’t find a job straight away, then it hinders my saving plan to have a bit of bank balance moving in between 2 apartments. Is it just a waiting game? And how long does one wait for things to manifest? Could it be years? I don’t really want to wait years for this particular manifestation because I’m not fully happy where I live now. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, though there are problems presenting themselves in the building itself, which adds to me not wanting to live in this particular building.

Anyway……. My list:

·         I want a new apartment as mentioned

·         I want a job with stability

·         I want a life partner

·         I want a successful business so that I don’t have to work full time

·         I want the motivation to write the books in my head

·         I want more creativity in my life

·         I want a space to rent to create the art that I’m exploring

·         I want to make an impact on peoples live through my spiritual work

·         I want the concentration and focus to learn all I need to in this spiritual path


In terms of soul growth, I find that everything contributes to that besides the new apartment. Although, if I am in a space that is more comfortable for me, that will have impact on the other things in my life. I feel that everything impacts on each other just as a flow on effect. Just as a FYI, I wasn’t creative in my life previously. I feel like everything is coming out in my life now. A lot of what I want to do in life is a mixture of creativity and spirituality. It’s all in the process of becoming. I am just working on these things to happen. I feel like with my intention and hard work, these things will come.