Day 155 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Body is Sacred...

Lesson 155: The Body is Sacred...

Today we are to worship and celebrate our bodies. It is divine and sacred. Although we might think it’s not in the best condition, we should celebrate it no matter what. It’s a wonder so appreciate it.

I think this is a tough challenge for some people. We can be so self-critical and there are people out there that have body image issues. Sometimes it is hard to look in the mirror and just love yourself. I struggle with this at times. I do have to talk myself into how beautiful I am. I will look at myself and say things such as “I am beautiful” “You’re going to have a good day because you’re an amazing being” “If people see your energy, then it will spread”. It’s not completely appreciating the body but reinforces the types of lessons for self-appreciation. For me, it’s definitely a build up for self-love and loving my body.

How did you go with this exercise?

Day 154 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Modern Lifestyle is...

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Lesson 154: The Modern Lifestyle is...

The modern lifestyle is not designed for movement. It is designed to hold the body still, and to have the mind work energetically—not in the realms of love and delight, but in the realms of information.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to notice when we’ve spent too much time on the computer or phone etc. Whatever you can think of where your body is still but the brain is working. If you can, take come time out to be in your body and not the mind. That can be doing exercise, doing some stretches or having a nice hot shower.

My Sunday consisted of going to a medium class all day and then a concert. I guess a lot of my medium work would be using my mind though being at the concert used my body for movement. My back started aching though, so it wasn’t the best use of my body. I guess the message here is to clear out the thoughts that can circulate through our minds and just use our bodies instead for activity. This can be a good clearing exercise and a form of release. And, I suppose you generally just feel better as you’re not clouding your mind and you’re spreading good vibes through the body.

If you did this today, how do you think you would feel?

Day 154 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 22 - Putting Away Every Day

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Lesson 154: Check In WEEK 22 - Putting Away Every Day

This week was very much about focusing on taking your time with each task. Anything that needs to be put away, apply awareness and the task might seem so daunting or overwhelming. It can be fun if you just take your time. It’s not about completing but how you relate.

I found that when I just took my time and thought about the home for my things, it helped me to accomplish even simple tasks. I wasn’t too worried if I didn’t get things done completely. It was more of thinking in steps – if I had an item, where does it go, then moving it and sometimes realising it didn’t “fit” so I moved it elsewhere. Clearing and putting away doesn’t need to be a hard task. I mean if it got too much, you just stop. There is no race to win.

The more we switch off our rushed lives and minds, moving our focus on the task at hand and being present, allows more calmness to arrive. Everyone should spread the message of awareness to all aspects of their lives including a simply clearing process.

Day 153 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - For Those Who Do Not Use the Body..

Photo by Bradley Wentzel on Unsplash

Lesson 153: For Those Who Do Not Use the Body..

Today is a day to appreciate your body. We should love and appreciate what a wonderful gift it is to have our bodies. We should take pleasure when we walk or eat etc. All our senses are a gift and all are magnificent. If you don’t exercise, it’s a time to get up now and simply do something. It can be a simple stretch or having a quick dance. We are just to enjoy what comes with our bodies.

I belly dance on Mondays and try get in my stretching for my Osteopath when I can. I don’t always value my body and do have body confidence issues. I mean when I dance I feel good, so that’s a positive. I feel like any dance I do makes me feel good. Stretching is a relief for my back issues, so I definitely welcome that. I think the message today is to really honour your body – not saying you have to have the perfect body but just to appreciate the things you can do with your body.

What is something you can appreciate about your body today?

Day 153 - A Year to Clear - Amazing In the Ordinary

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

Lesson 153: Amazing In the Ordinary

Today’s lesson was Stephanie Bennett Vogt sharing a story of someone doing her course providing feedback about how gets pleasure from clearing. This comes about by applying awareness to each activity. By being disconnected and detaching yourself from the task, it can become boring and/or a chore to do. If you insert your awareness of why you are clearing the object or finding a proper home for your items, then it leads to good feelings inside one’s self.

I have to say I agree with this feeling when clearing with awareness. It’s about connection and not dreading the task at hand. Everything we do in life can be enjoyable and that’s not to say clearing wouldn’t be either. It’s taking the time and care with any clearing activity. I found it can be rewarding when you feel things are in a good place whether that’s keeping something in your home or releasing it to a charity.

Try applying awareness to clearing tasks and see how you feel.