Day 162 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration is Shifting...

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Lesson 162: Raising Vibration is Shifting...

Today we are to raise our vibration. In doing this, it allows a change in consciousness and has a flow on effect on the heart. When we do this, it allows joy and love to enter. True bliss is something we can all achieve. It is possible for each and every one of us!

Ask yourself if you’re ready to raise the vibration. If you don’t know how, ask the Divine to help. See what happens for you.

My Monday consisted of going to a Mind, Body and Spirit festival, catching up on sleep as I got run down with my busy weekend, going to belly dance class and then catching up on blog posts. I think what does raise my vibration is going to events or being around people that are spiritual. I feel my best when I am around people like me. I think that’s all I can ask for and I receive.

My belly dance class is a form of exercise for me to get some activity in and I do feel better for it after class. I also have a performance with my class in a few weeks so that’s going to lift me up and give me some more confidence by pushing comfort zones.

I think I am raising my own vibration in different ways and it’s to bring the joy I want in my life. They are small now though they serve a larger purpose in a bigger picture. My aim is to focus on my own vibration and then one day help others. I keep working hard to wards this goal and it will happen because I am determined.

How did you raise your vibration today?

Day 162 - A Year to Clear - Hurt People Hurt People

Photo by Francisco Moreno on Unsplash

Lesson 162: Hurt People Hurt People

Hurt people hurt people. That’s how pain patterns get passed on, generation after generation after generation. Break the chain today. Meet anger with sympathy, contempt with compassion, cruelty with kindness. Greet grimaces with smiles. Forgive and forget about finding fault. Love is the weapon of the future.
— Yehuda Berg

New week equals a new theme of “Breaking the Chain of Pain”. It’s such a powerful message from that quote – hurt patterns are passed on from one person to another. When I really think about this, I find that it doesn’t matter what type of pain people experience, it’s easy to influence those around you with the thoughts you have towards that pain. Usually I find negative thoughts accompany pain and when one person has a certain perspective towards their situation, this can also change the perspective of others towards that painful situation. People can influence others without even realising.

I try to recognise my pain, understand it and meet it with a more uplifting emotion. It’s really harder said than done, but it’s something I actively try and practise. When I was growing up, my mother always tried to give my brother and I the best possible environment even though she didn’t grow up in the best of circumstances. After my parents divorce, my mum always had the greatest of attitudes to give us the best life that she could. I had a lot of pain from that divorce but it wasn’t something my mum passed onto me. I do wonder if my dad had past pain and that got passed onto me through his actions. Because I don’t know much about his upbringing and his relationship with his own father, I can’t say for sure. Right now, I’m trying to repair my own relationship with my father by applying compassion. It’s taking a great effort but it will happen in time.

I personally have got to a place where I am trying to deal with pain differently. It takes practise and awareness, and frankly, isn’t always easy to overcome. Anyway, seems like this week is another week of pain and what we can do to clear it. I will see if there is anything new I can learn as I feel like I’ve come a long way in dealing with my own.

Day 161 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration in the Emotional Body...

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

Lesson 161: Raising Vibration in the Emotional Body...

Not only do we need to raise the vibration in our physical body but also in the emotional. We can do this by establishing connection, through touch, in prayer, in meditation or spending time in nature. The raise in vibration in both the physical and emotional keeps us balanced. Today we are to think about our spiritual and physical practises and recognise if one is lacking. How can we balance this so both are equally at the forefront?

I know I have been focusing on my spirituality more than ever before in my life. I feel like it was important to focus on. I know that I do not consider my physical practises at a high level with my spirituality. I am solely focused on connecting with a path in which I can truly find myself and follow. This leaves not enough room to focus on health for my physical body. I sometimes feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to focus on physicality. If we are to be balanced, then I need to bring it up in order to feel good in both aspects. If anything, this is a wake-up call for me. I will spend more time thinking about how to integrate more love to my body rather than just the emotional.

I don’t think I’ve ever focused on my physical body so much either. It’s time to place more good practises in. How balanced are you spiritually and physically? Is there anything you need to change?

Day 161 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Photo by Eduardo Dutra on Unsplash

Lesson 161: Check In WEEK 23 - Leaning Into Resistance

This week in the clearing course has opened us up to pain. I have very much dealt with my pain that has held me back for so many years and much like the title suggests “leaning into resistance”, it’s about being aware of it, dealing with it – even if it’s uncomfortable and then moving on from it. There is always a way to ease your pain. Definitely not saying that pain goes away overnight but it’s about understanding it and what you can learn. Everyone can move on from pain if they are open to moving forward. I know at times I’ve wallowed in my pain more times than I should have, but I now recognise that I don’t have to be that way and I am my own champion. I think when we can list what causes us our worries and problems, that can really help to address what we need to. Do what you need to do in order to let go.

Day 160 - A Year to Clear - Receiving and Transmitting Information

Photo by Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash

Photo by Ahmad Dirini on Unsplash

Lesson 160: Receiving and Transmitting Information

- Humans are like radios that receive and transmit information, as energy, all of the time.
- Not everything we feel is ours. It is the body’s way of processing information that it is picking up in the ether. It becomes “ours” the moment we believe it to be ours.
- Physical pain is a good indicator that we are resisting the natural free-flow of universal energy, chi, or well-being, which is always there and available to us. Pain shows us our blocks.
- Ease feels good, unease (dis-ease) does not.
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Today we are to read the 4 points and simple understand these truths.

If we are all interconnected, then we as humans are interchanging information which is energy. If we all move as a mass collective, then it would be energy moving from various states from one person to another. This is how I relate to the first point.

The second point is what an empath could understand fully. Sometimes we pick up on other people’s energy and take it on ourselves without realising. I know when someone is angry at work and expresses it out to the group, I feel the tension and unease. It’s not usually mine and I have to remind myself to let go anything that isn’t mine. If the energy of the room is filled with anger, I like to walk away to settle down. I don’t like the energy of the room.

The third point is tricky to manage. If we have pain and don’t deal with it, then it allows it to fester rather than passing through and moving on. In an ideal world, we could handle it all and that energy of pain moves on or transmutes into something else. I think definitely we hold onto pain sometimes weeks or years and this blocks the energy to free flow back out. We can hold ourselves back in this way, but you don’t realise this unless you are self-aware. I think if pain is really bad, you may need to seek professional help to work through it and that’s more than okay. It’s about recognising you have the pain in the first place also.

I think if everyone practised ease, it would make the world operate in a much calmer state. If everyone wanted to achieve this every day, they could. Of course, it would take practise and then it has the potential to spread. I think leading by example is a good thing. Positive practises can make a world of change. It starts with self and can only mature from there.

Do you agree or disagree with these 4 truths? What are your thoughts?