Day 247 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It Can Be Harder to Open Into Oneness...

Photo by Liana Young on Unsplash

Photo by Liana Young on Unsplash

Lesson 247: It Can Be Harder to Open Into Oneness...

… with the people who are the closest with you. Sometimes we think we know someone, but then they say or do things that we don’t expect. We can all open into Oneness and the Heart of Connection, though this requires people to wake up to their spirituality. Today we are to think about our relationships and if any don’t quite serve as it should. Do you have people that control, make you feel trapped or seek to make you feel less? If those people had a spiritual awakening, what do you think would happen?

I have many friends that are not spiritual… and that’s okay. Everyone in their own time will either awaken or not. Right now, I don’t feel like I am in any friendships that inhibit me. I am trying to make my life my own, so I don’t feel like today’s lesson applies to me because I don’t have controlling friends or people out to make me feel bad about myself. I have actively built the people around me to be people I want around. If I need a break from someone because they might be too intense at the time, I take a breather and will always find a moment to go back to them to hang out.

As for spiritual awakenings, I think it would be great if everyone woke up! I just don’t know if I’ll ever see everyone wake up to what’s going on in the world and want to make a change, and I really don’t expect them to. People just sometimes don’t get awakened spiritually. They have their own life to live and that’s okay. It doesn’t stop me from being my best spiritual self and I definitely will not change for anyone. I can only lead by example and people notice what I’m doing to spark a change in themselves.

Day 247 - A Year to Clear - The Best Beauty Treatment

Photo by Wisnu Widjojo on Unsplash

Lesson 247: The Best Beauty Treatment

Today is a lesson on vibration. The secret to looking younger according to Stephanie Bennett Vogt is vibration. Although you may think it’s a good diet, good lifestyle, good community - which may very well add to it, it ultimately is vibration. If you’re on a high vibration and sending out happiness, then this contributes to feeling younger. We are to think about how we can create more of this in order to look and feel young.

I understand the lesson that if you practise and vibrate happiness that you may start to notice the differences in your life, including feeling younger. What I want to point out is that it comes with people’s circumstances. Sometimes we can be challenged, or stressed, just based on a certain situation that we face. Stress, I’ve read can cause aging. So, you might just have a lot on your plate and it’s not really your fault, it’s just the circumstance at the time. So if you are caught up in stressful situations, how does one always vibrate at a higher level? Sometimes you just can’t. That’s not being pessimistic, it’s more being realistic.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of always vibrating at a higher level to reverse effects of aging and feel and look younger, though circumstances can override that and you inadvertently age as a result. It’s not to say a light at the end of the tunnel won’t come and you can’t start to vibrate at a high level, but does this natural cycle of ups and downs prevent you from really feeling younger?

Maybe I’ve missed the point of the lesson, but it was just something I was thinking about. I guess my take away from this lesson is that when you have the opportunity to vibrate at a high level, do it. There wouldn’t be anything in your way to spread out that happiness when you have nothing in the way of it. I know you feel good from happiness which I guess would allow you to vibrate that through your body. I guess the question is, how does one maintain it as often as they can?

Day 246 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Your Experiences on This Earth Are...

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Lesson 246: Your Experiences on This Earth Are...

Today’s lesson is another reinforcement of Oneness. That we experience all the highs and lows of life but “still be perfectly, absolutely One”. We just are One. We are this in our existence. How do you feel about it? Do you feel that you need to be more than “One”? If so why? And can you let go of that ego?

It’s still taking time to sink in for me personally. I get that life has cycles. It will never be completely peachy and nor will it just remain in the dark. I see life going through the motion of both light and dark. I know this is truth in our existence. Based on this lesson, no matter what we do or don’t do, we will exist all the same and be as One. It kind of makes me feel that this lesson is teaching to go out and do what you want to do in life because you are your own maker. You are no less than another nor are you better than another. We each have our own paths that we pave. Well, that’s what I think this lesson is about anyway haha! If we are all a collective One, we can influence each other but we can also be the leaders that lead others. It’s very much, life is what you make it. I am no more than the next person is and nor are they more than me.

Day 246 - A Year to Clear - When Happiness Heard Your Name

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

Lesson 246: When Happiness Heard Your Name

Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.
— Hafiz

New week equals a new theme and this week is “Feeling Good”. I think based on the quote, it’s really allowing yourself to allow happiness in. That it really is a choice from yourself and not something that just happens. When you are open, it allows an opportunity for experience and feeling. Also when your attitude is positive outwardly, then I find you will see it returned in ways you may not have imagined. There is no reason that happiness won’t make it into your life. It’s just about being open to allow it to make it’s way into your life. Let’s see what this week’s lessons will bring.

Day 245 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - A Rock is Not Good...

Lesson 245: A Rock is Not Good...

Today we are to once again think about the concept of “being good”. As the title suggests, a rock is not good, nor is a tree, a mouse, a fly…. This list goes on. All these beings are part of the Oneness without really doing much but existing or living. It’s to understand that down to core, we are all the same energetically. We are no different though we may hold different vibration. We are all One.

I like being challenged on this concept of having to be categorised as “good” or “bad”. This construct that society houses us in. It definitely goes against my teachings and that in order to drop away this belief system, honestly will take time. The concept of Oneness from these courses have definitely opened up the idea of interconnectedness. We are all one in the same when it comes to energy though for me the differences come through influence, thought and circumstance. Like a mouse’s instinct may be to hunt and survive. A mouse wouldn’t think about its day like I would about mine. We can be a collective energy though I think we all play different roles in the make up of our co-existence.

I think as humans, we have the ability to ripple effect thoughts, feelings and emotions upon others. We can practise love and happiness to a friend and have that spread. A revolutionary leader can lead an uprising through uplifting conscious thought towards a cause. A political leader can earn support through actively campaigning a policy. This is how Oneness is clearly demonstrated by a collective. This demonstrates my point of that energetically we can all be the same though we may vibrate differently based on our environment.

Back to the concept “good” and “bad”. We all know there is a light and dark side to one’s self. There is no denying this. But we shouldn’t consider the light as “good” and the dark parts “bad”. The idea is that it’s a state of being. We have continuous flow of either light or dark in our lives and it’s the acceptance that this will always be. Just because you see someone doing good deeds and always being nice, does that constitute a “good” person. We are to think that they are vibrating energetically differently to another through acts of kindness and compassion. They could easily have an off day where they are rude and unfriendly and then be considered a “bad” person. The concept of “good” and “bad” is so quick to categorise and segregate. If we do away with these types of labels, accept the light and dark parts of self, then it allows the concept of Oneness and we are all one in the same when we experience light and dark, to open us acceptance on a greater level.

What are your thoughts on this?