Day 305 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Create...

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Lesson 305: When You Create...

When you create with the energy of intention, with your mind, energy is created—it is manifested for you. However, it is not possible to manifest from lower vibration: pain, fear, anger. It is not even possible to manifest from compassion. You must move into heart of connection. Oneness is the vibration that is required.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to meditate through our heart of connection and think about what we would like to create. We are not to manifest however, but just hold the vibration and allow that vibration to lead us to where we need to go.

I decided to hold space in my heart for being creative, making new friends, a new job (after a redundancy) and meeting a new partner. I don’t think these things will come to me instantly. I just closed my eyes and thought about connection. For some reason, I saw a youngish woman running and hiding behind a wall in a playful way. Not sure what that was about, but then I imagined my heart light shining out and connecting all over the world. My light was shining bright and just reaching out all over. For a new job, I pictured HR looking at my CV and choosing it for an appropriate role. I think by spreading my energy out in this way and allowing that vibration to reach others, it may just lead me to what I would like to create.

Now, I am typing this and seeing how the next week goes. Will hopefully have an update with what comes about.

Day 304 - A Year to Clear - Four Levels of Awareness - Part 1

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Lesson 304: Four Levels of Awareness - Part 1

Today we are introduced to 4 levels of awareness as per Stephanie Bennett Vogt:


1.    Unconscious Incompetence

2.    Conscious Incompetence

3.    Conscious Competence

4.    Unconscious Competence (Presence)

They are meant to wake us up to our truth. The words themselves will not make sense when our brain go to comprehend them. They will open up our consciousness. More information will be updated tomorrow.


As I read the words together over and over, they are starting to make sense. I feel like given the conscious and unconscious mind, we make decisions based on those 2 parts of ourselves without realising. Some of those decisions are competent and some are just incompetent. Some of our decisions are mindful where as some aren’t, but within those actions that aren’t mindful, we have deep rooted traditions that have been taught that makes us act in certain ways. That’s how I interpret it. What do you think? Will find out more tomorrow.

Day 304 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Understand How to Attract...

Photo by Maria Svecova on Unsplash

Lesson 304: When You Understand How to Attract...

When you understand how to “attract”, creating your earth life is simple. You simply request what you’d like, you put your attention there—and this thing arrives. And yet, this is just one way to live. If you were to choose to not consciously “attract,” you would attract anyway.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about how effective we are at “attracting”. Do you find great success in presenting your intention and manifesting what you want? Do you find that it fails and you don’t attract much of anything at all? What if you were to consider that the reason why things may not always manifest have nothing to do with you at all?

When I read over the paragraph above, I was agreeing and also disagreeing. I find that some things you can manifest into your life no problem – new friends, new experiences, some direction in life for instance. Other times I have found that I have had difficulty attracting things into my life – some good luck when things are low and a new romantic partner are some of my examples. I think you can attract things into your life without even trying. You can just go about your day, sometimes not even thinking and you’re just daydreaming all day, and things can fall into place. I think when I try too hard, things don’t come to me. I have never thought about it not having anything to do with me. Maybe it simply just needs to be divine timing. If I was being selfish, I wish there was someone telling me that it had nothing to do with me, then I would have some confirmation on it.

The biggest thing I haven’t been able to attract is a partner for life. People say it happens when you least expect it, but it’s been years of sometimes putting in effort and other times, just leaving it up to the Universe, and still nothing…. I don’t know if it’s the climate of social media and the applications that make casual sex a more common thing than ever before, but I just don’t know where to find a genuine person who wants a long-term relationship.  I would love to meet someone just out and about in my every day situations, but even that hasn’t worked. I am not sure what more I can do on this one. If I try, it hasn’t fallen into place. If I don’t try, it hasn’t fallen into place. It’s one of those things that I just may have to keep waiting. It’d be nice to know for how long though. Haha!

I think it may have something to do with just surrendering yourself to the Universe and let things happen? I’m not sure. I find some instances of manifesting so easy, where as the really important things aren’t so much. Maybe it’s all just a test? Maybe I just got to be me and anything I want in my life will appear in their own time. Maybe it’s just a lesson in patience.  

Day 303 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Are in Heart of Connection...

Photo by harry laps on Unsplash

Photo by harry laps on Unsplash

Lesson 303: When You Are in Heart of Connection...

When you are in the heart of connection, you have the ability to co-create with the Universe. The trouble is, what to ask for, what to manifest? In truth, you need ask for nothing. All that you require for soul growth is already provided.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to consider not manifesting anything at all. Not placing any intention and attracting something specific in your life. Usually when you what to manifest something, you have a clear intention in your mind. What if you just let that notion go for a day. See what the day brings…

My day consisted of walking in the morning, getting ready for work, went to a few workshops in relation to how I can handle my redundancy, more work, worked on my CV, came home, ate dinner and then watching TV whilst blogging. I was pretty over the day. I just felt so exhausted trying to keep it together as I’m at work doing tasks that are essentially redundant. I usually ask for good things to happen but nothing specific. I haven’t asked for something specific in a while – not even a new job. I guess what I did learn was that I haven’t checked in on a few friends. So, I did that when I got home. What unfolded was a reminder that I should get past my negativity or what others have done to me recently. My friend told me not to hold onto it. It is from that situation, in which I can learn from. I made mistakes in that situation and I can learn from it. I thought this was a gift. She was right. Plain and simple. I need to work through the emotions and really just let this go back out into the Universe. Holding onto anger does nothing. With this particular situation, if I don’t think about it, it’s fine. When I am thinking about it, I get so mad. There is no need for this as it’s wasted energy. It must bury itself in my subconscious, wanting to come out. And, with what’s happening at work with my redundancy, my negativity and anxiety is a bit shot to the roof. Speaking to this friend today reminded me that I have the chance to change the narrative. And, I will!

What happened in your life today which was unexpected?

Day 303 - A Year to Clear - Would You Do It?

Photo by Matic Kozinc on Unsplash

Lesson 303: Would You Do It?

Today we are to think about whether or not we can let go completely. We are told that it is that easy if we just allowed it to happen…

I think this definitely serves as a reminder as I have been holding onto something I really need to let go. Even a friend was reminding me that I shouldn’t hold onto negativity, or spread it, and that through every situation there are mistakes we would have made, that we need to learn from. I guess I needed to message her in order to get some further advice. I do need to let go of this particular situation that I still have residual anger about. I was advised to write a letter to them saying all the things I wish I got to say.. and maybe even more, but not with the intention to send the letter. The whole point of the exercise is to get everything out and then burn the letter in order to let it go.

I definitely think everyone can let anything go… in time. I am not saying you are going to move through or get over things that have been in your life for years. I would know! I held onto some father issues for a very long time. Now, I just don’t let that hold me back any longer. I held onto that for over 10 years. I think everything you work through is at your own pace and in your own time. I feel that no one can tell you how to work through your pain, issues, habits, behaviour… When you are ready, that’s when you will know to go through your thoughts one by one.

What do you think? Do you think you may go to the grave not letting go everything? Do you think some people just don’t work through everything in their lives, even when they are open to it?