Sacred Power Reading Cards - Devas

Sacred Power Reading Cards Devas

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Devas

My Interpretation of the Card

We are all part of the Divine and this card has appeared today to remind you of that. You have the power to awaken all that is inside of you. That lingering knowing that wants to surface and guide you on your spiritual journey. Know that you have the ability to connect with the Divine for you are the Divine. Let your intuition awaken. Know that you have spiritual guides all around you willing to help. Ask for their assistance whenever you need. Know that you have all the answers within yourself and it may take some inner searching to connect with your higher self.

Sacred Power Reading Cards

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Devas as highly evolved nature spirits that make their way across all realms. Devas are masters of energy and encourage you to master your own. Gain greater insight into your being. Devas has made themselves known to you so that you work with the energy of crystals to turn thoughts and actions into positive processes. Working with crystal devas can align you with the vibration suited towards the shift you are looking for. The crystal deva of clear quartz is asking you to connect to the crystal kingdom. Clear quartz is a master healer.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I didn’t know what a Deva or Devas was. I quickly googled to see a definition of "heavenly, divine, anything of excellence". So I interpreted as the Divine. I didn’t realise it was a being that could guide us. To me, the picture is about connecting with the Divine and opening intuition, so that’s how I read the card. I should probably learn more about Deva and the value they can add to our lives.


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