Sacred Power Reading Cards - Divine Consciousness

Sacred Power Reading Cards Divine Consciousness

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Divine Consciousness

My Interpretation of the Card

We are all part of a collective consciousness. It’s what makes us Divine. We are all energy that are interconnected. You are being asked to tap into this consciousness and know that all the answers are held within. You have the power to tap into the Divine Consciousness to help guide you in your every day life. You also have the power to guide other people through the guidance you receive from the Divine Consciousness. You can lend a helping hand through your own spiritual path. You can connect and be a guiding light for others. This is how you can heal the Earth and awaken this in others.


Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Working with Divine Consciousness, we can open ourselves to deep thought and meaning that cannot be described in normal language – it is felt and expressed with heart and higher self. Peace, bliss, divine power and unlimited expansion awaits you when you consciously connect on this level. Between soul and spirit, it is possible to connect our inner being to Divine Consciousness. The Divine allows us to open our minds to different states of reality and communication. Right now you are being awakened. You are raising your consciousness and shifting energetically. Being connected to the Divine aligns you to your purpose, grows and expands your spirit and encourages you to remember who you were before you came into being. Meditate to remove yourself from earthly dramas and connect with your consciousness to become more aware of what your mind and body needs.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
When I looked upon the picture, it gave me the vibe of being your own master spiritually. It was about connection to the Divine so you can be your own master. I like the guidebook meaning and it makes perfect sense though I kind of took a different route. To me it’s more about empowering self to empower others.


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