Sacred Power Reading Cards - Medicine

Sacred Power Reading Cards Medicine

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Medicine

My Interpretation of the Card

Your spirituality can be your medicine. By journeying back through past lives, you can learn about karma that follows you into this life and how you can work through it. The power in meditation is also that can bring about peace and calm into your life. The native Americans practise spirit journeying that allows you to connect to your spirit animal that can help and heal you in your every day life. There is much power from this Divine source and you can draw from the magick that can touch your life. Spirit animals are usually representative or symbolic of change that needs to occur in your life. We can use ancient techniques like that of the native Americans in order to bring forth the answers and clarity. Look at the practises of meditation and journey work to enrich your life.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

People seek out leaders for survival, purpose and achievement. The ability to heal and work with different energies and the gift of vision, are the medicine of a shaman, bridging the world of earth, nature, self and spirit. Looking to a leader or elder for guidance and mentorship is essential now. Remember true leaders direct and facilitate transformation. Powerful healing energy is around you now. You are strongly connected to shamanic medicine. Journey within the realms to learn and share in messages from your ancestors. Past life journeys can reawaken your soul’s natural gifts and access your ancestral power to enlighten and illuminate direction. You are a natural healer and should harness your power of natural remedies and herbal medicines. Whether it’ counselling, energy practise, holistic or western medicine, you are encouraged to explore these gifts and take a leadership role. You have the knowledge to heal yourself and others. lead by example.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I felt like the card was trying to advise to connect with the spiritual realm in order to bring about a balance of healing in your own life. The guidebook meaning was expansive in that the client could be the healer in their life that they didn’t realise they had the potential to explore – so that’s uplifting. I will note this if I ever do a reading.

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