Sacred Power Reading Cards - Personal Power

Sacred Power Reading Cards Personal Power

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s time to awaken and harness your personal power. It’s roaring to come out and will allow you to deal and embrace every day with grace and confidence. You will be able to stand up for yourself and also communicate exactly what you what and need. It’s about delivering your messages so that others are clear on your direction. It’s about living your life with control and no one has the power over your own life. By embracing your power, it will strengthen you as a person and allow relationships with family and friends to be reinforced.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You are being asked to address your personal power issues and express your deepest feelings. Embrace the dark personal experience and transform them into positive thoughts and actions. Once we decide a situation is good or bad, we then make a decision about what to do next, identifying a method of emotional expression. We either speak up or don’t speak up at all. Not speaking up can leave you feeling helpless. Placing us in victim mindsets. The tiger is asking you to relinquish the victimhood and take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings. Embrace your hardships with love and acceptance; use them as a source of personal motivation. Take responsibility for your own actions in the part you’ve played in your current circumstances. By doing so, you will begin to reclaim your personal power. Now is a time to encourage healthier environments by releasing toxic relationships in your life. negative attitudes and emotional vampires are manipulating your soul’s freedom.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I was on the right track but my tiredness kicked in to fully explore this card. I needed to expand more. I think the guidebook really delved into not being a victim and embracing personal power by rising above being a victim in your own narrative. Hopefully will be more awake tomorrow.

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