Sacred Power Reading Cards - Protection

Sacred Power Reading Cards Protection

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Protection

My Interpretation of the Card

This card has appeared today as a reminder to protect yourself. Look at your surroundings and take notice of what is happening around you. Is there a feeling you have that someone does not have your best interests at heart? It’s time to trust those feelings and be aware of the situation and take measures so that you are protected and not taken advantage of. You can ask your guides to help place a protective shield around you so that nothing negative gets absorbed within your energy field. Be aware of those that may be bringing you down emotionally and mentally also. You don’t have to always take on other people’s issues and problems, as it can bring your energy low. Remember that being selfish to recharge is a good way to protect yourself so that you are not depleted. Don’t feel bad for keeping distance from others that do bring you down.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

The knight offers security for those who are unable to help themselves. You may have been on the receiving end of jealous comments, gossip or corporate back stabbing, making you cautious of virtue and faith. Stay on guard as sinister activities are happening behind the scenes. Take a firm approach as your soul knows you need protection. Know that you are supported with heavenly guidance. Spiritually you may have felt attacked by others. be aware of the impact of your own energy and others peoples response. No matter how people react to your actions, know you can only control your emotions. Don’t take thing personally. You are asked to follow through and act with integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Speak your truth about all matters of the heart. You have the strength to get through any challenges right now.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I some of the card meaning right. I took as people trying to attack and didn’t see it as speaking your truth. It makes sense – protect yourself and be direct. People do take advantage of us if we are being manipulated so just try and be aware of that.

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