Day 40 - A Year to Clear - Weather Watch
/Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Lesson 40: Weather Watch
“Emotional weather is not who you are. And it does pass when you choose not to identify with it.”
Although this is Friday’s lesson, I did actually do the lesson but didn’t have a chance to write it down.
There were times of overwhelming energy at work in which I didn’t want to have around me on Friday. I kept repeating the mantra taught from one of the previous lessons “it’s just weather” and took long inhales in and long exhales out. I think every time something may have started to feel anxiety, I just repeated this and it helped to just settle it down.
Later on when I was at my mates’ house watching some TED talks and enjoying a nice meal, I took the time to notice that I was relaxed. When you’re taking the time to notice the changes in weather pattern, for me, it was nice to be aware of the calm weather, but that you have the power to control the feelings in the bad weather. I found that the breath work is really helpful in dealing with overwhelm and when you can recognise those little things that tick you off, repeating that mantra allow it not to get to you. It’s very much allowing it to come, recognising/acknowledging it’s there, and then releasing it.