Day 79 - A Year to Clear - Weather Maps
/Photo by Elsa Noblet on Unsplash
Lesson 79: Weather Maps
Today is about noticing the different spaces within your home and workplace. How do they feel? What do you notice about yourself in the different spaces and does certain areas cause you discomfort and are there places that make you feel quite relaxed. Do you notice the weather of these spaces?
My work space is good when the sun shines. I chose a seat next to the window I could see the outside world but also get a lift from the sun. It’s really quite refreshing as I’ve never really had a window seat until now. It’s also good to close my eyes and meditate at my desk sometimes. My work environment is quite varied. If there is tension in the air, you can feel it. I try to avoid those moments where I feel uncomfortable from the emotions or feelings of others.
Inside my home I still need some work. I have yet to create a space I fully feel comfortable in. that’s not to say that I can’t relax but I am still trying to make it fit to me. I’m like halfway there. Lots of stuff that needs to be released and I want to bring in plants to bring some extra peace to my home. I can’t wait to have a week off to just really switch off from the world and work on the look of my home more. This is coming up soon and I’ll be so relaxed and relieved to do this. Got to get some inspiration going within my home so it’s something I look forward to as well.