Day 29 - A Year to Clear - Tuning In

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Lesson 29: It's Not About You

New theme for this new week - Tuning In.

I am to recognise that the work I am doing is not about me. It's about getting to the real me. The one that has been there all along but blocked by the person who I think is me. I had to read the text that Stephanie wrote a few times to just get it in my head.

I am trying to get to my truest version of me. Over the years, she's been lost inside with the clutter I have built around her. Bit by bit, I will get to her. Even though it's a slow pace, the truest version of me will reveal herself in time. I am in no rush as I've been told many times to appreciate the journey so that's what I will try to do. 

The question got asked, "What is wanting to reveal itself to you?". I have got messages from Spirit that it's just the beginning and everything will be okay. I think because of me being a perfectionist in how I approach tasks, I'm always wanting to get it right or I'm in a rush to complete the task. I need to slow down a bit more to absorb it all because it's not a race. I am meant to soar like a bird and when I do soar, it's where things will start to fall into place. I need a lot more trust in the universe and have more patience.

Day 29 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Miracles Are Not Magic

Photo by Jose Murillo on Unsplash

Photo by Jose Murillo on Unsplash

Lesson 29: Miracles are not magic...

Lesson 29: Miracles are not magic; they are merely conscious creation; they are energy intended. Miracles are manifestations, and you can choose to create in any and all aspects of your life. The moment you believe this, it begins to happen.
— Sara Wiseman

Today I am to thinking about what I’ve been asking for lately and also what have I been receiving. Added to this, what would I really like and if I can ask for it today.

I’ve been thinking about this book I want to write, more recently than not. I just feel like I didn’t know where to start… almost trapped. I have the concept but where do I go from here? I thought character development is what I should start out with, but then again, will the characters just come as I write? With so much thought about this book and how to start it, I felt like I got an answer yesterday with an oracle card telling me to just write, and if I did 1 page a day, by the end of a year, I’d have 365 pages. Makes perfect sense to me. Rather than focusing so much on details, the answer is to just write and see what flows. It’s why I took on these challenges for 365 days – to force myself to write. To gain a habit so that writing my book series would be a walk in the park. I think I’m doing really well at writing consistently, even if it’s just sharing my thoughts for the world to see.

Besides asking for guidance for this book, I want to get focus on my studies with witchcraft, which is always going to be a never ending sea of knowledge, but I haven’t been doing much lately. Just anything in my spiritual path, I want to get really stuck into the wealth of knowledge that is out there. Sometimes, the concentration lacks so I want more of that. I guess time is also a limiting factor and the 9-5 job really hinders me. I gain most of my insight late at night and into the wee hours in the morning. If I could somehow not have a 9-5 job, I feel more productivity would come out of me. Something I will meditate on and see what answers come on how to manage my time.

On top of this, I really want a partner. I think having someone to share your day with is something I really miss. It’s not the same with friends and family. It’s the ability to love and be love – to gain that feeling back. Although I have my independence, I want companionship. I think that sometimes I am not fully satisfied in life because I don’t have this partner I seek. I want to have someone fully understand me and I them. I truly feel like I’m at the best point of my life. There has been so much self-awareness and self-care, I’ve worked through loving myself again and accepting myself, that having a partner couldn’t come at a better time. I’ll see what manifests without pushing it. It’s something I tell myself (and others), it’d be nice to have.

I feel that in terms of receiving, I am slowly gaining the community I seek - people who are on the same path of paganism and mediumship. I am slowly meeting these people feeling better about myself that there are people learning like me, but also believe in everything I do also. It’s a shift that this world is going through, and I think our mindsets are changing in the right direction. What I have also received is a much peace within myself. I feel like there is so much more clarity within me and I am a natural healer through words. I think with such a level head, it gives me a one up sometimes. I have gained the perspective needed to be on my path but also help others. That I can master the small things in life but also the larger elements of life also. There is so much wisdom flowing through when there were stuck thoughts before. It’s like I’ve mastered myself – if that even makes sense. The clarity is just so clear and pristine, that nothing is going to bring me down mentally and spiritually. I find it hard to express this but can only hope you reading this can understand what I mean.

So I’ll go home soon and meditate on the things I want, but also thank for what I have received. I am feeling good today despite my lack in sleep. With this positive vibe, I’ll see what comes about when I ask.

Day 28 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 4 - Moving Stuck Energy

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

Lesson 28: Check In WEEK 4 - Moving Stuck Energy

Today was just to reflect on the past week and what I had felt. 

I feel a lot lighter. Just doing bit by bit, has slowly lifted me up. Sometimes I can't do much at all because I'm just exhausted, overwhelmed or overthinking about life in general, but taking 1 minute out to clear something really releases something that I didn't realise was "stuck".

I think taking out the judgement was the key. I didn't think to myself "why did you do this Liana?", I just went into the task with a "if I move it, then it clears something" kind of perspective. Being introduced to the clearing with compassion element was quite foreign to me. At first it was like "what does this even mean?". But having an old memory stuck in my subconscious come up, allowed me to clear with compassion and made me realise that I can overcome a lot of things, by having that love and understanding to let go. Just amazing what this course is opening me up to.

We can feel good permanently by releasing. And not just quick fixes too. There is so much buried within me that I know will come up, and I feel that I will know how to release without judgement on that particular memory. I'm not afraid of it anymore. It's like I've been given this tool on how to really deal with my problems. Never expected it from a clearing course, that's for sure.

Day 28 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Divine Gives Us....

Photo by Quinsey Sablan on Unsplash

Lesson 28: The Divine gives us strands...

Lesson 28: The Divine gives us strands: links or chains of synchronicities that lead us to our highest possibility. When you see a synchronicity, follow it. Allow it to lead you to the next. Then, allow this to lead you to the next. And so on, and so on. There is no time, that you should not be following strands. This is how Divine guidance manifests.
— Sara Wiseman

So, today a synchronicity will happen and I am meant to follow it. Well, today I had my mediumship class. What was good about it is that during one of the meditations I met a guide who came to me last week during another meditation. He wasn't a guide I could research so I wasn't sure what he'd bring me in the upcoming week and there he was in this Atlantis meditation I did today. Besides this, I got some messages today for me to keep going on my path as it's just the beginning. I have a lot of guidance from a spirit level and to just trust it as it's all going to work out. 

The other synchronity today was that I was in the shop of the place where I have my mediumship class and decided to give myself a reading from an oracle deck that was around your life's purpose. I pulled the "Author" card which read "You have a book inside of you that wishes to be expressed. Make the time to write it". I was just like.. shiiiiiit. 


I've been toying with this book for some time now. I was actually going to do a spell on the super blue blood moon for some enhanced power and guidance on this. In the guidebook, it basically said to not worry if you don't have the full story yet, but to just write, write, write. That if I wrote 1 page a day, it'd mean in a years time I'd have 365 pages done. It made sense, but I think I was just overthinking what I should do. It's like I don't know where to start or when I should just start. I have the concept, and I just need to get on with it!

Apart from this, we were giving each other readings in the class. I was told that I had quite a rocky childhood - true, that I was in the right mindset now and know what I need to do - true, that I was trying to remember the happy moments in my childhood and implement into my life now - true, and that my future is clear in the decisions I need to make in order to do what I actually want to do in life - also true. With the mini readings, they were just good reassurance that I'm on the right path. Sometimes I have self doubt and I am learning to trust, I just got to break my old cycles. 

My writing on my blog every day was to force a new habit. If I could blog and write every day then I should be able to write this book I have inside my head right? That was the plan and I think I will get there with the discipline I want to enforce. So that is what the Divine gave me today and I couldn't have been more happier. 

Day 27 - A Year to Clear - Feel Good

Lesson 27: Feel Good

So I was to clear something on Saturday to make me feel good by adding mindfulness to the task without judgement.

My task was really simple. Moving paper rubbish from upstairs to downstairs. Moving some make up container that fell onto the floor to my dresser and moving a cleaning spray back to the bathroom cupboard. I tend to leave random items in random places which can create a mess. To me it's an eyesore and yet it takes so much effort for me to move it. I am not sure why I am this way but that's just how it is. And it's not about laziness. It's just sometimes it's like I don't have the will power to just do it. I don't know any other way to explain it but that's just how it is. 

The only way I could move the items was to tell myself that they each had a place. I didn't judge myself when doing it and just moved them where they needed to go. Such small steps but big steps for me at the same time. I do feel better that I'm not staring at them without doing anything and leaving them in their mess. That's the positive for the day.