Day 34 - A Year to Clear - Your Senses

Photo by zhang Mickey on Unsplash

Photo by zhang Mickey on Unsplash

Lesson 34: Hone One Of Your Senses

Saturday’s lesson has me using one of my senses, taking the lead, having some time focusing on it and noting down what it reveals.

I decided to spend some time with my intuition. I meditated on it and accidentally fell asleep. I sometimes get too relaxed and this happens, but oh well! Anyway, my intuition has revealed a lot of inner knowing that I didn’t really listen to. I’ve opened myself up to a whole part of me that was always inside but I didn’t trust. There is always some times of doubt as always but I have developing abilities that surprises me all the time. I feel like I can really direct the power within me a lot better than I ever used to. It’s funny how you can wake up to yourself. I know I am the only person that can make my life enriched. I know I can be the truest version of myself by really delving into what I find the most enjoyable and follow my dreams in this life.

As I develop into my abilities, I know I will slowly help people. I guess I’m already a magnet for others to gain some insight. I feel like my words hold power and that people are naturally drawn to me for a perspective they haven’t gained yet. I don’t like to dance around subjects nor give advice that you want to hear. I’m always honest and try to advise what’s best from there. I gain all this from intuition and not my own personal feelings on the matter.

In my meditation, I was just really standing on a beach watching the sunset. There was a sentence that flashed up but I couldn’t see the words clearly. I tried to focus on them, but it started out as “I am going to be self-….”. Maybe that last word is yet to be determined or it’s always going to be ever changing as I change as an individual. There are many words that can fill that space now– reliant, sufficient, caring, reflecting, knowing… And this will grow as I release some stuff buried in my subconscious and free my mind. I’m happy that I’m on the path that I am on. Other messages that I received from my meditation are to keep on my path because it’s where I need to be and I’ll be healing others one day. It’s a progressive journey with much to learn. I know I will get there.

Day 34 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Money

Photo by Jeremy Paige on Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Paige on Unsplash

Lesson 34: You can look at money...

Saturday’s lesson takes on a view of money. Rather than thinking it’s paper/plastic and in a computer, can we see it as energy flowing. This is a very foreign concept to me – thinking about money like it is moving energy. If we can see it as energy, then we will lose the desire to worry how much we have.

I’m to think about how I view money, think about how much I need to have enough and if I’m sure about it. I’ll comment on this before meditating on it.

I view money as essential… especially growing up in western society. I’ll go as far to say it controls us. It truly does. I can’t eat or have a roof over my head without it. I used to be an over indulgent consumerist, over spending money I didn’t have and creating debt. In fact, I’m still reeling from this but taking more of a control on my financial future. At the moment, I don’t think I have enough because of the debt I created myself. It will take time, but I will get through it with some steps I’ve learned recently. Sometimes I worry that I won’t get through but I have to power through.  I think like everyone else, it’d be nice to have more or in an ideal world, money wouldn’t exist and we could trade in skills, but those are just thoughts. I think I am quite fortunate over some people for sure, but it’s about breaking old habits for me and then I’ll feel comfortable in my own circumstance.

I got too relaxed in my meditation and fell asleep. Whoops! Anyway, I could see myself just throwing money away – quite literally, cash in my hand and I was just throwing it. Pretty much who I can be if not in check. In my meditation, I was walking through a city where everyone looked like mindless drones: we go to work, we work for money and it’s a forced daily routine. The visual was very much robotic. It was like we are so caught up in our routine that we forget to interact with each other, but it’s essential to our livelihood at the same time. I was also reminded the one thing money does for me that brings me joy, and that is travelling. Without money, I wouldn’t be able to see how other cultures live so that’s the upside. It’d be nice if somehow we could travel without spending so much to get there but that’s more a fantasy than anything.

I think I need work on viewing money as energy. I need to clear my debts to feel comfortable and my meditation seemed more like a warning to stop throwing it away. I don’t think we should just carelessly waste money on things we don’t need and that’s the message I have taken. Money is always going to be flowing of the sense of it comes in and goes out but we should still take control of how we manage it.


Day 33 - A Year to Clear - Energy in the Room

Photo by Aaina Sharma on Unsplash

Photo by Aaina Sharma on Unsplash

Lesson 33: Energy in the Room

Catching up from another hectic week. The next few weekends are going to be like this but I’ll do my posts when I can.

Friday’s lesson revolves around noticing the energy in the room and being aware. I am to notice which room feels more “contracted”, and be aware of that more over the one that makes me feel good. I am to notice if my breathing changes, but know there is nothing to do, and just notice what’s happening.

Friday all I did was go to work, then I worked from home because we were moving offices, my mate Ben came over and then we went to a gig. The room I felt so free in was at the gig. I like to take notice of the type of people that go to enjoy the music we’re about to embrace. I like that we are well having a shared experience.

Work felt a little contracted because we were forced to pack up our things before our scheduled time. It was a bit of a “thanks for the late notice” type of feeling in the room, but I just got on with it. I didn’t take notice of my breathing, even though I read the lesson beforehand. I just let it flow. Even though there was a feeling of frustration in the room, there was nothing I could do to control it. So the only thing I could do was go with the flow.

I find the only times I feel a sense of “contraction” in the room is when others are angry or frustrated at something. I feel that energy emanating and sometimes I absorb when I don’t want to. It can be very taxing on the body. I try not to let it impact me but sometimes that is easier said than done.  I also try to avoid those type of toxic situations when I can.

Another lesson in awareness and stuck energy… I found that if I practised this too much I might overthink the feeling in the room and then my own feelings. I know to avoid bad feelings in the room but I wouldn’t want to assess every situation as soon as I enter the room. Do you know what I mean? I feel like it’s better to focus on what feels good and trying to move stuck energy in a room if need be.

Day 33 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - How Awake Are You?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Lesson 33: When you are awake...

Life is amazing when you are truly awake. Everything should be vibrant and lively. If we aren’t living with this in mind, appreciating the wonder, then we are asleep in life. We create a numbness to the world we live in.

I am to imagine a cup to see how full it is and this determines how awake I am today.

I had difficulty with this one today because I am sleepy tired. I tried meditating on it and fell asleep. So I decided to take a nap to refresh and kind of feel worse for it. Every time I saw this cup, I felt like I was forcing it to appear in my meditation. I tried at least 3 times.

From what I could see, I’d pick up the cup and drink from it, but just a sip. When I look down, it was then that I would see how full the cup is. The cup is always full to the point of when you like make a cup of tea. So more than 75% but not full to the brim.

This makes sense to me because I am trying to live with more patience, tolerance and understanding. I live for experience. Everything can be wonderful if we truly want to experience and make our lives enriched. I try not to miss out on opportunities and it’s a very different turn to whom I used to be. I want to say I tried everything I wanted to at least once and never look back with regret. I think when I really can manage my goals, I would imagine that cup to be overflowing.

Day 32 - A Year to Clear - Sensory Leadership

Photo by Hernan Sanchez on Unsplash

Lesson 32: Sensory Leadership

Today I am to identify out of my six senses, I lead with when relating them back to items, situations, people etc. Stephanie used an example of she could “smell things a mile away – like people smoking in their cars” or “smell a scam”. I tend to lead with inner knowing and sight.

I tend to observe people a lot and I usually know if they are good people or not. There’s an inner knowing that I have, which actually determines my stance on someone, just by seeing them for the first time. Might sound like a bunch of baloney to some people, but I actually know when people are genuinely good or not. Whatever energy people radiate, I can judge it based off sight and inner knowing. It’s why I choose not to hang out with particular people if there is a group situation where someone I don’t vibe with is there.  I’d happily avoid any situation, because I don’t need whatever toxicity coming from that person to cloud my world, and I’m not sorry about it. My life is how I want to live it, not how others coerce people to do what they want.

I didn’t really need to do a massive meditation to determine this about me. I’ve always had this ability, but more so now that I decided to follow a path of spirituality. I did a mini meditation before, for my other post on my spiritual awakening lesson, and had a hexagon with a palm that had an eye in it come up. I think this has flowed into today’s lesson because it reinforces that I lead off intuition and sight rather than any other senses. I relate to people and situations more so through this function. It’s how I approach and engage in most things that I do these days.

Out of your senses, which one do you usually lead with?