Day 135 - A Year to Clear - Strike That

Lesson 135: Strike That

So, what’s one thing that dominates our life? Our own minds. It floods with both negative and positive thoughts. When I tried to google how many thoughts does an average person have in a day, it answered with up to 70,000. To me, that seems excessive because you can be debilitated with one thought that repeats over and over in your mind, and I just don’t actually think that many thoughts pass through my brain. I know I have had one negative thought engrained in my mind cycling through my mind because I just wouldn’t let it go away. It was all consuming. I thought max you might get a few hundred at most. Maybe I just don’t think so a lot?

Anyway, the point of today’s lesson is to teach us how to keep the noise that clouds our mind out. That we can use a simple term (which Stephanie Bennett Vogt says happens in a courtroom quite often) “Strike that”. obviously, this requires a lot of awareness by yourself. You need to recognise the noise as something that doesn’t serve you in order to block it out. This would take so much practise, only because we can succumb to other peoples thoughts and have it influence us. It’s about training ourselves to be like “No, this doesn’t resonate with me and therefore I shouldn’t think about it further”. Sounds easy but when I actually think about this concept, it would actually be training your brain to filter things out automatically. At first, you’d be assessing everything said to you before it became a routine, and then blocking out certain things that don’t benefit you or your mind.

Do you think this can be a simple task?

Day 134 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Move Out Of

Photo by Jenna Jacobs on Unsplash

Photo by Jenna Jacobs on Unsplash

Lesson 134: When You Move Out Of...

Having compassion moves us from a state of “me” and allows us to connect with all beings on Earth. It allows us to think beyond ourselves and want to establish a wider connection. Well, that’s how I feel - like, there is something greater that I need to do, that’s well beyond anything I imagined, but has some global effect. There’s no reason why I can’t do this, even if it’s a small impact to my localised area. I’m making tracks in my own way and I think that’s an amazing thing. Even you, who chose to read this right now, I hope that anything you’ve ever read in my posts, has had some impact that made you think a little differently.

Today we are to consider all the living things on the Earth (besides humans) – trees, animals, plants and hold compassion for them today. As I closed my eyes, I was immediately flooded with images of trees, water, polar bears first, then other animals, the mountainside… I held compassion for those that may be suffering and hoped that they didn’t have to suffer anymore. All I could contribute was my own healing and compassion. It’s actually quite confronting to zone in on more specific beings that present some suffering. To actually feel their suffering is what hurts. I wish I could do more, but maybe that’s very much part of a larger plan, that I’ll eventually be part of. I mean we can all do our parts in healing the world, it’s just a matter if we choose to or not.

Day 134 - A Year to Clear - Station Break

Photo by Eunice Stahl on Unsplash

Photo by Eunice Stahl on Unsplash

Lesson 134: Station Break

Learning to pay attention to negative self-talk and affirm the positive — I call it a station break for the opposing point of view — is a vital way to become more mindful and to master your thoughts before they master you.
— Joan Borysenko

New week equals a new theme of “Changing the Channel”. Based on the quote above, this is all about reprogramming ourselves from negative mindsets that can bog us down and turning it into something positive. If we can manage the negative thoughts with the use of language, then we can be more mindful of the words we choose towards ourselves and others. If we can truly take control of this, I think we can lead more uplifting lives. I know I work on this all the time. I find it’s especially hard sometimes when you’re so caught up in a situation with  pure emotion, it’s hard to navigate yourself out of the negative mindset. I think this is where mindfulness is key. I am in no way a master of this yet, but I’m human and sometimes emotions get the best of me. I do however, recognise that it’s something I need to work on. I am looking forward to this week’s lessons.

Day 133 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 19 - Expanding Awareness

Photo by Grant McCurdy on Unsplash

Photo by Grant McCurdy on Unsplash

Lesson 133: Check In WEEK 19 - Expanding Awareness

This week has really been about understanding our interconnectedness. We are all one big collective that influence each other in more ways than we can imagine. That we are all one big unit that has the ability to raise the vibration as well as bring it down. We are all energy and are therefore connected. If you hurt, then it means I will hurt. If you’re happy, then it means I will be happy. It’s greater synchronicity that we most of the time don’t even notice.

Reflecting on the what I’ve learned so far this week, and on this course, I realise that people come into your life when you need them. It’s nice to think that you could have used some help in the past, but I believe, when it’s truly right for you to meet someone that will influence your life, they appear when it’s right. I only just realised this as I started my spiritual path. The people I have met along my medium path or witchcraft path, are meant to have appeared when they were supposed to. But the beautiful thing is that they help and I help them, in various ways. My path is very solitary and that is the same for many others, but it’s knowing when to recognise that we don’t have to be alone. A simple reach out to another can really uplift you and them. When I type this out, I realise this is very much the same in general life. We don’t have to be alone. There is a whole world out there full of people ready to lend a helping hand or just simply be your friend. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith, that we can find the people we truly resonate with and go out of our comfort zones at times to really connect. If we are all interconnected, then it should just fall into place when we put our efforts in.

What ways has the Universe impacted your synchronicity?

Day 133 - A Year of Spirituality - Once You Are Living in Heart of Compassion

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Lesson 133: Once You Are Living in Heart of Compassion...

As we’re opening the passages of the heart, our lives begin to take a shift - worries fade away, synchronicities come up on our path, happiness flows through, we start to weave inner peace. Today we are to write down three ways in which our lives have changed since starting this course, from when we moved from the passage of pain to the passage of compassion of the heart.

I think one thing that has changed in my life is knowing that I can do anything I want to in my life. It’s this changing belief that I had of being too old to achieve anything. That’s a limiting belief I had on myself that didn’t serve me. I know with hard work, I can do anything I set my mind to.

A second thing I’ve seen change in my life is my perspective on life and myself. It’s like the blinders have been lifted off my eyes. I used to live in a material world – had to buy all the cute clothes, had to have all the makeup… whatever it was, I just lived a really consumerist life. Nowadays, I’m trying to live my life with more conscious awareness. I’m trying to think of the global issues that impact the world and my part in it and how I can minimise my impact. I’m trying to be more aware of issues that people face that aren’t my own.

A third thing that has changed my life is that even though I’m awakened and others aren’t, that’s okay. People will open to a greater consciousness when they are meant to and when they are ready. I don’t speak about my path unless someone asks about it. I don’t like being forceful or a preacher in anyway. I like to be open to all people and their beliefs. I don’t try and convince people to follow a path I follow. I just want people to think about something that’s larger than themselves, whether it’s the Universe, a deity, nature, God, Angels, the Earth... I feel like there is so much insight when you think about something beyond yourself and the power that can bring. It’s uplifting for yourself and then has the potential to spread to others. That’s quite magical when you think about it.

What do you see when you’ve opened your heart?