Day 225 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Think We Can Control...

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Lesson 225: We Think We Can Control...

We think we can control. We think we can manage. We flail about, trying to control, in hopes that this will bring peace. Yet the only way to experience this deep feeling of safety, trust and peace, is to open and expand. To let go of the idea of control, completely.
— Sara Wiseman

Today’s lesson just might be one of the greatest challenges of letting go. We think we’re in control of all aspects of our lives but if we were just to let go and let things run on course, would it actually fall off the tracks or proceed as per normal? Does surrendering make you feel uneasy? If you don’t feel ready to let go, then why not?

I have learned to let go over the course of this year. Good and bad things happen all the time whether we like it or not. We literally don’t have control of a mishap that occurs that we didn’t foresee coming. You can calculate how everything can happen on any given day but then a curve ball is delivered and you just adapt. When I think about it more, we really don’t have full control and we just think we do. Like, I think I’m going to be a successful healer one day. I have control of how I learn and study. I also need to work hard, establish connections and build myself into this role. Those are things I can work on but does not guarantee my success per se. I can open and expand and this can lead to results I would haven’t thought of. It’s possible if I don’t let go, or let go and let the Universe take over, that it comes to the same result. I don’t know what could happen really. I feel like this becomes such a philosophical question. If the path we choose is laid out and we surrender control, will it eventually just lead us where we need to go? I feel like that’s the lesson for today. we can’t really know what’s going to happen – we can envision, wish for and work towards something, but it can just as easily be deliverable in another way that the Universe has for us.

If we completely surrender to the Universe, it’s allowing a higher power to safely get us where we need to be. It involves so much trust and faith. The question is do you have it? I let go because the less I stop worrying in my head, the more I see synchronicity in my life and the right people have come along when I’ve needed them. I didn’t make this happen as much as the Universe made it happen. Really, sometimes without trying I’m placed on the right path, so why not just keep following that and see where it leads me? I feel so much peace in that though can understand why others may not. It’s a trust beyond measure which isn’t for everyone, but if you can delve into that level, it’s content like you can’t explain. Try it and see what happens.

Day 224 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Only Protection You Have...

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Lesson 224: The Only Protection You Have...

….is that of the passage of the heart. We will move from the heart of pain to compassion to connection. Today is about allowing ourselves to transition to the passage of connection. Are you ready for it? if not, why not? This is the point in which we awaken fully on a spiritual level.

I personally am ready to find connection. In fact, I’ve been wanting to find more people like me all year. I want to connect spiritually with people more and more to know their stories. I find the most interesting connection is that of experience – how another person views life versus my perspective. It’s interesting to share. I want to talk about deep subjects that allows for the mind and thought to be provoked. I like to be challenged in my way of thinking – it’s the best way to learn. I certainly do not know everything there is to know about everything and I find through connection, I learn so much more. If we are about the human experience, why can’t it be shared? Everyone has a story to tell and it’s about listening and being open to that experience. You may not have lived it or understand another’s life, but gaining perspective on a topic you know nothing about, just opens and expands your mind. I find that to be an exciting and wonderful notion. Deeper conversation leads us onto our paths of discovery.

Day 224 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 32 - Cultivating Self-Care

Lesson 224: Check In WEEK 32 - Cultivating Self-Care

The focus has been on self-care for the week. It is important to say yes to self-care and say no to other activities or others that do not serve towards your wellbeing. We need to allow good things to help nourish our mind, body and soul. there is no reason why we can’t make time for ourselves and it’s important that we do. We do not have to feel bad for taking the time out for self. Even though at times we think it might be selfish, it’s not selfish to do what is best for your needs. I feel like more and more these days that people are understanding of the need to take time for self, so there is no reason for you to not pursue practises that are nurturing to you. I spent the whole day today just binge watching TV whilst catching up on my blog posts that I’ve missed. It’s been pretty relaxed and it’s just the way I like it. No obligation to anyone but myself. Remember to always take time out for you.

Day 223 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - It Is All Experience...

Photo by Alexis Huertas on Unsplash

Lesson 223: It Is All Experience...

If the human existence is all about experience for the soul, we have learned through this course that our opening is through the heart. So far, we have been taken through the passage of pain and compassion, with two more passages to still learn and explore. I am looking forward to this. Today we are to look at the chaos that surrounds our lives and to look at our response actions. Do you find that fear is your first go to response? Can you think of another way and is that through our heart?

I think a lot of the chaos in my life is how much I exasperate it in my brain. I think easily solvable issues are met with worry, frustration, anger, fear and anxiety. I actually have to keep reminding myself that everything will be okay and it will work out. I think when I calm my mind, the “chaos” does not seem so bad.

I guess the reason the response is the same is because it’s that fight or flight mode that’s part of our natural response to things that seem like a threat to our mind and bodies. I think it’s easy to fall into fear because it’s that natural reaction. What needs to be practised when things do seem chaotic is to take a step back and try thinking it through. Sometimes just pausing to take some deep breaths, allows for more clarity to sink in. From there it can allow logical and precise steps to be taken.

I’m thinking of how our heart’s opening can assist with chaos. Can the passage of pain and compassion apply to our chaotic life? I know we can definitely identify those fear responses in pain and it allows us to overcome them and be stronger. I also feel that compassion may allow us to try and keep a level head and be more accommodating of the circumstance. So maybe that’s the lesson here – how can we use our passage of pain and compassion to think of a better way to overcome chaos. I think it comes from experience to better manage things that get thrown your way. The more you experience, the better equipped you are. I also believe asking for help never goes astray – sometimes you gain help from the unlikeliest of people that you never would have thought to ask. It’s about being open to possibility and that is opening the heart.

Day 223 - A Year to Clear - Self-Care and Clearing

Photo by Leighann Renee on Unsplash

Lesson 223: Self-Care and Clearing

Self-care might be unnatural for you. To switch off and take time out for yourself if you’re busily picking up after others or placing other people’s needs first. Self-care and clearing go hand in hand. It’s about letting go and finding the time to place your needs first. By placing your needs first, it creates a safe and calm environment. In clearing practises, it’s about creating a space that you feel comfortable in and bringing about balance. This balance includes your body, mind and soul. It’s about bringing about all those good things that make us feel 100% and doing away with anything that doesn’t serve us. Self-care allows us to let in some positive vibes and release any stuck energy. Even if self-care feels uncomfortable, it’s about embracing this need to feed our souls. I keep mentioning to not feel bad for taking time out for yourself. It’s important we do this routinely so we’re at our optimum. If we make time for ourselves then the outward energy we radiate will also help others.