Day 122 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Understand That...

Photo by Mila Young on Unsplash

Photo by Mila Young on Unsplash

Lesson 122: When You Understand That...

When you understand that you are one of One, there is no challenge to raising your vibration to its highest soul level. You simply match frequency to the highest realm of Divine/One/All, of which you are already part. This is simple. This is done through the heart.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is about reaching this highest vibration in meditation and opening your heart to that vibration. See what comes about. You will feel things you didn’t imagine were possible. You feel unfold and have deeper understanding of self. You might even feel the fluidity of your life. Your heart will be so open. You will be so open.

When I reach my highest vibration through meditation, I can go so deep that my body is interconnected from above and below. It is definitely a feeling of oneness. We are all interconnected but we are all intertwined to the Universe and this Earth. When I get in those states of meditation, that’s all I feel - that I am one with everything. It’s a peace I can’t describe. It’s a knowing. It’s a deep and personal understanding. It’s something for you though others can get to the same state, so it’s a universal understanding if we choose.

Sometimes my body feels weightless, whilst other times it feels heavy. It’s crazy to think not everyone gets to feel this way. This is why I do what I do. I want to be living proof that this spirituality is real. That you can live and breathe it. I want to experience and live it so people see how I am as a result. This needs to spread, not only for people to heal themselves but heal each other. We all have the ability to achieve this highest vibration. I want to speak out of my own experiences and not bullshit people. I write my blog because I hope I can touch one person and my words resonate. To me, that’s achieving things I didn’t even think I could accomplish. If I raise my vibration and can prove it, there is no reason why another can’t. If I help to spread that message out, it means we’re all closer to that state of oneness.

Day 122 - A Year to Clear - Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Lesson 122: Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere

Clutter, follows us like a natural part of our lives, almost like it’s another body part. Sometimes we aren’t even aware something is clutter until we take it upon ourselves to start clearing. Sometimes it’s bugging us until no end until we actually deal with it. if it continually sits there, it starts impacting us and how we act in everything we do. For instance, avoiding clearing an object or thought might mean avoidance of friends in real life – you’ve created this habit of avoidance with a simple task but it transcends into your everyday activity.

Today we are to think about one thing that is stuck in our home and “overstayed its welcome”. I have many things. Right now, it’s my cat tree – the play object with cat scratchers and boxes for cats.  Mine was white and looked nice to begin with. Now it’s dusty, hard to clean, not holding well and sitting near the door to be taken to the bins or if someone from my building wants it, then they can take it. I was just going to place it in the charity collection section. I am trying to create a really nice loving space to be in and I’ve completed one section, though this cat tree is now cluttering that space. I am not sure why I can’t just pick it up and take it down. It’s always one of those “I’ll do it later”. After work today, I will make it a point to bring it down to the charity bin area. That’s asa much as I will commit to today.

Day 121 - A Year to Clear - Invisible Clutter

Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash

Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash

Lesson 121: Invisible Clutter

Remember Pigpen, that adorable Peanuts cartoon character who walks around with a permanent cloud of dust? To the degree that we are carting around a lifetime of limiting beliefs, emotional attachments, and all those aspects of ourselves that we suppress, resist and deny - also known as ‘shadow’ - we’re not all that different from that cute little guy. The bigger our shadow, the smoggier, denser, and dare I say, not-so-cute this invisible ‘cloud.’ -Your Spacious Self
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Today we are to think about something that has been shadowing us and that we could release right now. We don’t need that attachment to something that weighs us down so think about one simple thing to let go.

It’s come up in card readings that I need to be more open to myself. I’ve been struggling with trying to be “normal” around certain people and then being my witchy medium self around others. I don’t know why I think I need to have a mask on, so to speak, for one group of friends to another. I shouldn’t have to hide my true self – that being a witch and medium. I don’t know why or how I got it into my head that I should try and be “normal” for the sake of others. I just need to let that sort of thinking go, embrace the person I am and if people don’t like it, well maybe they aren’t truly supporting me as a friend.

So, I’m letting go of this limiting belief of myself. I am going to be my true self and not try to fit it in any way in order to suit others.

Day 121 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Begin to Understand

Photo by Marcelo Quinan on Unsplash

Lesson 121: When You Begin to Understand...

As we go through the four passages, we start to raise our vibration. Not only are we raising vibration but we are raising consciousness. We are awakening, we are becoming self-aware, we are becoming more understanding.  Today we are to look at the Earth essence and the Divine essence to know that they are intertwined. If you are not aware that YOU are both, ask the Universe to show you.

I believe that everything is energy, including us as humans. I believe on a sacred geometrical level we are all connected. As an Earthly being we can be Divine. Being Divine is being open to all that is has to offer and becoming part of an unspoken purity. It’s true freedom and enlightenment. It’s understanding and compassion. It’s love and peace. It’s about connection and friendship. It’s about accepting the bad things that may happen to you, learning the lesson and turning it into positive. It’s not about ignoring pain, but instead embracing it, and knowing you have the resilience to overcome it. Some might argue that these are basic human actions, and sure I agree, but it’s also interconnected to the Divine. To me, it’s very much about opening to the Divine and receiving the guidance that takes you to where you need to go. I don’t believe necessarily that the path and thoughts you have are always your own and that something larger is at play. It’s a guidance that sometimes you don’t even realise is happening.

Sometimes it takes time to awaken to it and sometimes people just aren’t open to it at all. I believe it takes time to understand and really learn the purity of the Divine. And, I’m not all about the light either. I think we need to embrace the darkness in order to understand it, learn about yourself from it and know you have the strength to overcome it. I think the Divine takes us to all the depths in order all aspects of ourselves but also have the capability to help others and the Earth. The Earth hurts like we do, even if people don’t want to accept that we are destroying it. If we see the Earth as a living thing, like we are, then how can we not see everything as being connected? We are the essence of Earth and the Divine in this way. Just my interpretation really.

Day 120 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Vibrational Matching is...

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

Lesson 120: Vibrational Matching is...

Today is about recognising someone today that raises your vibration or matches your vibration versus someone that you struggle to hold a high vibration with. Vibrational matching is simple being around another that you resonate with and match frequencies with. You will definitely know who they are because you feel good energetically when you are with them. Those are the types of people you want to surround yourself with.

Today at work, I hadn’t seen one of my team mates for a week due to leave and we quickly chatted about what was happening. We are quite in tune with how each other operates on a work level so it’s always good to have someone fully understand your point of view. When it comes to raising concerns, we’re on the same page and know what each other want in terms of where we want to take the department. I like being around her because it’s nice to know someone has your back and you’ve got theirs. You don’t necessarily have that in the workplace, let alone life. It’s a good feeling.

In terms of someone I struggle to hold vibration with. I can’t think of anyone. I don’t usually surround myself with people that I don’t resonate with. I mentioned this yesterday. I mean there may be people at work, but that’s very transactional at work anyway. You’re there to do a job, remain civil and get on with it. There are some friends of friends that I don’t hold good vibration with, but I choose to not be around them, unless there is a really good reason to. Like I mentioned previously, my time is precious and it should only ever be filled with people I give a fuck about and I prefer to avoid people I don’t care for. Simple.

How did you go with today’s exercise?