Day 160 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Raising Vibration in the Physical Body...

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

Lesson 160: Raising Vibration in the Physical Body...

We can raise our vibration of the body by having a good lifestyle including exercise, good sleep, food etc. Today we are to consider what habits we adopt for “optimum health” or do we not have this level of care? What are your feelings towards it your physical body?

I know that I don’t do enough for my physical body. I try and exercise where I can, get a good amount of sleep and take vitamins. The one thing I need to focus on is my eating habits. I think I could also do more to tone up my body but I’m taking small steps. With my back problems, I don’t want to overdo anything that just causes more pain. I walk and dance to keep up some form of exercise and I think that’s better than doing nothing, which by the way, was how I used to be. I am more aware and I do need to take more care of myself. Right now I am so busy, I don’t think I have time to think most of the time. I need to set a good schedule to abide by for my own healthy habits. There are more curves than I’d like and the only person that can change that is me. I think when I am free in July, it’ll be better for me then.

Day 159 - A Year to Clear - Lean Into Pain

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Lesson 159: Lean Into Pain

Today’s lesson is about leaning into whatever pain you have – to go deeper and understand the patterns before we go into a lock-down mode. There was a bit of a disclaimer to always seek out a professional to diagnose problems. Whatever exercise we do is not to replace a medical professional.

So, if we go further deeper into a pain, all I have is my back pain. I do not have an emotional pain to face at present as I have already dealt with mine. I do however have a problem in my lower left back and right shoulder blade. My pain comes about if I stand for too long, sit too long, lie down too long, walking about, dancing… it just get’s triggered. know the one thing that triggers it the most is lying on my back for too long, which is actually hard to manage as we all need to sleep right? If I don’t switch up positions, this can just wreck my back for days. The only thing I can do is practise the stretches I am supposed to in order to help alleviate it. I received these stretches from a osteopath and try to follow it in order to ease my suffering. This prevents my body from going into a complete spiral.

What pain did you look at today and understood it a little bit better?

Day 159 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Emotional Energy Determines Vitality...

Lesson 159: Emotional Energy Determines Vitality...

Emotional energy determines vitality. Balancing your emotional energy includes meditating, prayer, talk, connection, touch, sex. It also includes any time when you are basking in the bliss of cared for by yourself or by others.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about if we provide ourselves with enough emotional support. Are we in balance in providing support to others and allowing ourselves to have support?

I think in general, I’ve always been a person where people are attracted to me for emotional support. I can safely say that it’s unbalanced to where I allow myself to be supported. I feel that a lot of the time I need to face things on my own, learn and grow. I feel that if people do not understand my problem, I just simply wouldn’t go to them for the emotional support. I would go speak to a psychologist if it got really bad, but I never seek out emotional support from friends for things that I just don’t think they can handle. I know what people’s limits are as I test them with various subjects and see how far their emotional state can extend to.

I find more that I do readings through my mediumship that more and more people need more emotional support. There are so many people that aren’t able to make decisions for themselves towards a better future. I have gone above and beyond sometimes by initial reading to provide advice in their lives. I am no psychologist myself, but I find that I have a lot of life experience to be able to help others. I find people that people must see me as approachable in order to unload their issues.

I think what I do take time out to do is support myself emotionally by taking the time to self-care. I don’t always have myself available to help everyone all the time and place my own barriers up when I need to otherwise I would just get constantly drained. I have learned to place myself first sometimes and just have to say no because my time is energy. If I extend myself too much, I know it’s time to take a break from everything and everyone – those are the times to focus on self and I think that’s more than okay. I think most people can appreciate that. I have found when I do medium readings, people want me to provide all the answers and I’m not about that. I don’t want to be at someone’s beck and call whenever they need and that’s why barriers are important. I will help when I am fully energised.

How have you kept yourself balanced in your support of self and others?

Day 158 - A Year to Clear - Pay Attention Inward Now

Lesson 158: Pay Attention Inward Now

PAIN = Pay Attention Inward Now
— Iyanla Vanzant

I had trouble reading today’s lesson and understanding it. The concept of spacious detachment is brought to our attention. Everyone has ways of dealing with pain. The body offers us a way to pay attention to pain and it allows us to put into practise the act of not identifying with every little “twinge or hiccup” that goes along with those slight moments of pain. This is how “spacious detachment” comes about.

When Stephanie goes through the lesson, she says that addressing pain doesn’t happen overnight and I totally agree. She mentioned that she is not a “glutton for punishment” and has a “unconventional approach to address pain”. She goes on to mention that she has a high threshold for physical pain but knows when to use medical relief when needed.

I believe the point of the lesson is to know your pain. Whether physical or emotional, really try to identify what you can work through and handle versus what you can’t. It’s about knowing your mind and body’s limits, but also not making a big deal over minor incidents that can occur. For instance, I might get a headache and I’ll get a tablet to relieve the pain though thinking about constantly that I have a headache and I’m in so much pain, would just blow out the pain. I think detaching ourselves from thinking about the headache is how we can overcome it. I feel like this is the lesson from both physical and emotional pain.

If I apply the same logic to emotional pain, just say someone says something negative towards us, we can get hurt by that person’s words. We can absorb everything they say and wallow about how they’ve hurt us or we can stand up for ourselves, say how it made us feel, deal with it and then move forward. We can then detach from there rather than have it circulate through the mind. I think by paying attention and dealing with our pain, it’s better than not having the awareness and expanding pain further than it needs to dwell.

All in all, I think the message of today is that pain can be better managed by all of us. We just need to pay attention.

Day 158 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Consider the Balance...

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Lesson 158: Consider the Balance...

We all need to keep balance between physical and emotional care. We shouldn’t place one above another and should always make an active approach in keep both in check. Today’s task is to write a list of what I do to keep my body healthy and then how do I keep my emotions healthy. We are asked to take notice if one list is larger than the other. I guess this is to try and keep them both balanced.

To be honest, I could do more to keep my physical body a bit more healthier. My list in trying to keep my physical body healthy is:

·         Do my dancing as much as I can

·         Drink plenty of water or fluids without sugar

·         Do my stretches to help my back issues

·         Go for regular works during work breaks to keep body and mind good

·         Rest when I need to

·         Don’t overdo things

·         Get plenty of sleep

How I keep my emotions healthy:

·         Meditate

·         Be more mindful and present

·         Listen to music to relax and calm my emotions

·         Go for regular works during work breaks to keep body and mind good

·         Don’t assume someone else’s feelings and emotions towards me

·         Find the truths behind my emotions

·         Let go of what I need to once I’ve faced what I’ve needed to

·         Don’t over think things

I think my focus for the moment should be eating better. If we feed our bodies good things nutritionally then that makes us feel good and has flow on effects to emotions. It’s something I struggle with but do need more focus on. I am aware of what I need to do. Things to work on really.

What did your list look like?