Day 200 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Jesus Said Wherever Two or Three of You Are...

Lesson 200: Jesus Said Wherever Two or Three of You Are...

… congregated is where we can expand on love. Today is about gathering people to hold high vibration with. Sometimes we cannot hold it on our own, so if we seek the right people, then we can create a high vibration that can be shared.
I’m still riding a wave at work, so today’s lesson wasn’t one I could achieve today. I have however sought out people to join in a circle to raise our vibration through witchcraft. When I met these people, I felt like we were meant to join each other and meditate or expand our skills. We would be sharing energy or helping each other in life. I didn’t recognise the signs the Universe was sending me but I felt like these people crossed my path for a reason. When I am with them, the energy changes. Whether I have low energy or not, my vibration will raise when I’m with this people. I think it’s good to have those kinds of people around, not necessarily to feed off their energy but learn from their energy. I think when I am around other high vibing people, it makes me want to be high vibing too. It’s a motivation that I sometimes need to kick myself into gear. Not always easy, that’s for sure!

I sometimes find it hard to always be the high vibrational person of a group if everyone else is low. Some people can do it amazingly and I tip my hat to them. I can find it very draining and then that’s not good for my own self-care. I think I try to not push my limits and it’s kind of selfish in that way, but I also need to look after myself too. I prefer to share the high vibration with others rather than hold it all for the group or for another person.

How do you find holding high vibration goes for you when you are surrounded by others who are holding it also?

Day 199 - A Year to Clear - Get On With Your Growing

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Lesson 199: Get On With Your Growing

It just ain’t possible to explain some things. It’s interesting to wonder on them and do some speculation, but the main thing is you have to accept it — take it for what it is and get on with your growing.
— Jim Dodge

Today we are to accept one thing that allows us to get on with our growing. It doesn’t have to be the biggest change because even the smallest changes can make a huge difference in our lives.

One thing I accept that allows me to grow, is that I don’t have all the answers to everything and that’s okay. I sometimes feel like I should be more knowledgeable or that I’m not adequate around people who are having intellectual conversation. But that’s not to say that I can’t learn through my own study and reading. I think if I’m willing to learn then that’s a good step towards growth, rather than shutting down/closing off to new ideas. I think when I listen to others speak, they can sometimes just blow my mind because they know about the source material of the discussion than what I can contribute. I think in those moments I just need to remind myself to take a step back and listen because these people can teach me. I really need to stop discounting myself and my input. I just admit I might not know everything about a subject but doesn’t mean I’m not willing to learn. This is part of my growth and I can only expand from here. How about you?

Day 199 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Group Thought, When it Moves Into...

Lesson 199: Group Thought, When it Moves Into...

… fear, you can feel it surround you. There may be times when you are so encapsulated by the group thought that it’s something you just absorb. If you’re able to maintain your own high vibration, then good work on your part because that’s a feat in itself. When you walk the crowds on the way to work, when you’re in a restaurant, when you’re out shopping, you may notice the vibrations of group thought. Today is about bringing about understanding when there is group fear, group anger, group frustration. Do you notice the impact it has on you? We are to take notice today but also look at being aware of raising energy through those lower times of vibration.


Well I failed at this again today. Group thought in my work place was frustration and I really just moulded into that thought. I was fully aware that I don’t have the best of attitudes right now and I admitted that to my team mate. I actually believe that by talking about actually helps me release and then I can vibe at a higher level. I think for me personally, I need to apply more awareness. Not only surrounding my own feelings but how I influence others within that group thought. I was venting a little bit today and actually apologised for it, because I should have thought of a better way. I should have thought about a way to turn my situation around rather than just bitch about it. I guess I was not only absorbing group thought but was an instigator of it also.

I will try my hardest tomorrow to raise my vibration to a positive state. If I don’t think about what is causing this frustration at work, then it won’t enter my mind and therefore I will not influence others. It is something I know I need to work on, so I will do this task over the next few days and hope that I become the better person I know I can be by being a better example.

Day 198 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Lesson 198: The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...

Do you have the ability to hold your own thoughts in amongst group thought? Can you maintain your high vibration even when group thought can lower it? Today is about going into a situation that you know holds low vibration and your job is to hold the highest vibration. Keep holding it for as long as you can.

I personally failed at this task today. I am really frustrated at work and I just could not rise above my anger and frustration. There is a bit of low morale and loss of direction. I genuinely find it hard to hold a higher vibration in this low space. I did however express concerns to a team mate who fully understood what I was feeling. I let out that I am finding it hard to really know my purpose when a lot of my work is duplication of other people’s work. I did feel better releasing this though. Just admitting that I’m not always strong was a relief. Finding the light in the situation is not easy. I am finding it difficult to really hold value in the workplace. I do my work but I don’t feel like I make an impact and I believe that’s what I’m struggling with.

What I will try and do from tomorrow is hold a higher vibration. I might not be able to hold it for long but I have to try. Even though it might be quite low at work, I should attempt to let it go in order to not let it eat at me. I will work on it.

Day 198 - A Year to Clear - Self Accepting

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

Lesson 198: Self Accepting

Today we are to practise the following statement in present time “I allow myself to be myself.”
Notice your feelings as you say this statement over the course of the day but also any resistance to this but allow them to be.

When I allowed the words to flow from my mouth, I felt a sense of calm and acceptance. I really felt like those words were true. I guess when you’ve never really told yourself to just be yourself, it’s a new feeling and sense. I was reminded to just be a better version of myself when I did a group meditation today. The messages I received from meditation is that to not let the emotions rise up from things I truly don’t care about. I received the reminder that it’s okay to let the annoyances of the day to just wash over me and not to let them get to me. There is something better for me than to fall victim to the noise of the world. This is all in reference to my office job – it’s not truly what I am meant to do in life, so why am I letting it bother me so much. I just need to let the emotions go and let them wash away. The emotions I get from the woes of work, is not truly me. If I allow myself to be myself, then I would just let it out to the Universe and move on.

I will continue to practise this statement out loud so that this calming feeling can spread to any day of the week.